
True AI
logo generator

Generate logo ...
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See more logotypes ...


What do I get?

Can I get a refund?

Where is the text?

How should i make my prompts?

How can I get vector SVG?

Can I pay you so you can make a logo for me?

Can I generate on the website or in Discord?

App does not give me the exact results to my prompts. I queried "wolf", but i got only 2 wolves out of 10 generations... Why?

Can I use a logo i generated, commercially?


Main functionality

First of all, the app can generate random logos - this feature is designed to give users 9 different logo options for inspiration. It is also possible to generate logos based on a short text description. To do this, you only need to enter 1-2 words and artificial intelligence will generate a variety of options. It's the best tool for inspiration, it's definitely not a substitute for designers, it's more for getting ideas and inspiration. It is especially helpful when you have no idea what you want to do, or when even the client does not have it, you can give a link to the bot to generate the desired options, which the designer can then build on. This service is not meant to replace designers, it is primarily intended to help them do their job faster and better. Despite the excellent capabilities of generating unique logos, the service still has some drawbacks - sometimes the bot does not accurately or even follow the given design. Fixing this issue is currently a priority.

Public response

We know from certain insider channels that some designers working in design agencies are already using this service to generate ideas. The list of people we know about is not large, but we are absolutely sure that there are many more people who are already using the service for commercial purposes. In the near future, you will definitely be able to see some new business with a logo generated by Logo Jinn AI Generator. It will either be a completely new logo created from scratch, or a designer will simply get inspired by this service. We received quite a lot of traffic thanks to the reactive viral spread, because people are really interested in this bot. Many people are discussing it, many are already using it. Our main goal is to make the lives of designers and entrepreneurs easier by saving time and effort using our service. We would be happy if all these people generated logos using our service, tagged us, and shared it publicly.


We use our own developments and leased resources to generate logos. When creating the service, we spent a lot of time training models and conducting experiments. The training was mainly performed on an NVIDIA A100-SXM4 video card with 40GB of video memory and 85GB of RAM. The CPU is Intel Xeon 2.20GHz. The logos are generated by a modified Stable Diffusion model on an NVIDIA RTX A5000 or RTX 3090 graphics card with 6 vCPUs and 24GB of video memory. Initially, only one user could generate logos at a time, but now the number of users has been increased to 10-30. We are actively working to improve both the generation process and the product as a whole.


First of all, a huge library of graphic elements was created to train the network. To train the network, professional designers were involved, who conducted in-depth analytics and studied dozens of design books, most of which were collections of logos. All in order not to violate the copyright of designers. More than 3000 special graphic elements were used - from primitives to more complex shapes, from shapeless elements to elements with perfect shapes. Graphic elements can be divided into 14 main groups, each of which has an additional division into the number of basic elements in one form - from 2 to 12.


Our main competitors are logo generation services that can be found on Google by searching for "create a logo". These are services that seem to "generate" logos, but in fact, they select ready-made template graphic elements from a static list, select ready-made stock shapes, choose a color, add a name, slogan, description, and you're done. In our case, there is a completely different process and you will never get a logo that you or another person has received. The main disadvantage of our competitors is that with the same input data, the probability of creating identical logos reaches 90-100%. Then what kind of identification through uniqueness can we talk about?